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New Horizon global IT

New Horizon global IT

The world today needs a completely new way of thinking, a new form of wisdom, the world needs New Horizon global IT. We are the answer to many questions of the future. Companies and people are facing the greatest challenge of mankind. Our
professional advice, guidance and support for individuals, families and entire companies has set new standards. We open new perspectives for your further development. The common goal setting with us exceeds your known potential.

Our team of competent counsellors, psychological therapists and physio-trainers offers you a multitude of new, previously unknown possibilities to get the most out of your body, mind and subconscious. Our team includes:

  • Personal Trainer
  • Nutritionists
  • Mind-Coaches
  • Corporate and financial consultants
  • Professional therapists

We combine the wisdom of the East with the clarity of the West. Our team combines classical book knowledge with modern technology, green consciousness with artificial intelligence.
The energetic view of the world – that we are more than the sum of our parts – is the crystal ball of cyberspace: Dare to look into your future!
We bring clarity to your chaos and light to the darkness in your life.

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Companies also have feelings

The emotional and thus energetic dimension of companies is completely underestimated. We know what a healthy company needs. And what it is better to do without. Emotions are the key to success.

We help to optimise your product, to choose the right employees, to go new ways. The model “world – body – soul” also applies to your company: Love for the product and joy in the work are the dormant forces of success that should be brought to blossom.

Economy of the common good

The greater the ecological awareness of customers, the more power they exercise as end consumers. We help you to respond to modern demands with your business.

Circular economy

Nature shows us how: Animals and plants live in harmony with each other. We can learn from nature’s example to reuse everything that was previously waste. Nature does not produce waste, but recycles everything it produces. Otherwise, Mother Earth’s landfill would be bigger than our planet by now. In nature, everything that the system produces is fed back into the system and yet a profit is made, added value is created, everyone can live from it and there is even technical progress, evolution. The circular economy copies this principle. We help you to convert your business to the circular economy, to save costs, to find personnel and to increase the longevity of the products without giving up profit.

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